Post-Graduate Year I & II Program



Post-Graduate Year I & II is a residency program designed for the dental students who have just graduated from the universities and obtained registration and licensing from the nationalized Dental Board of Taiwan. New dental graduates are required to take PGY & Residential Doctors Admission Test before gaining the admission to this two-year-program. 


Nationally, Dentway Dental Group has the greatest number of dental clinics participated in offering PGY I & II Program that has been verified the Department of Health in Taiwan. We offer a series of inclusive professional courses and trainings which include the following:

Oral pathology
Medical ethics - medical entanglement management
Oral health management and patient referral process
Hazardous waste disposal and infection control
Health insurance related issues
Health Regulations
Health Record Composition
Evidence-based Medicine
Patient safety & quality healthcare
Oral pathology
Benign diseases of oral soft tissue
Tumor surgery
Prevention and management of major complication in oral surgery
Regular dental extraction
Impaction surgery
Management of head and neck infection
Management of facial soft tissue trauma
Dental extraction for the patients with mental disorders
Pre-surgery of prosthodontic treatment
Hospitalized patient care in dentistry
Dental extraction for the patients with systemic diseases
Simple oral surgery


If you are interested in our PGY Program, please contact us for more information.